Firstly, I have been riding so much more than last summer. It's awesome. It started with doing little mini rides on lesson horses, then Greta gets awesome-er, then resident reining rider lets me do some mini-lessons on his finished reining QH (kind of got the spin down, the sliding stop... well, let's say I was happy to get a bit of a skid out of him, it's harder than it looks! But boy, that horse doesn't look like a fool with his bum on the ground sliding for several feet haha!), then I asked trainer if she had horses that needed riding (I always feel presumptuous when I do things like that, but that's about all you can do, I suppose). One thing didn't lead to another, but the whole deal is very cool.
So, I am now riding a greenie gelding named Salvation, for the time being, at least. I have only rode him three times, counting today's ride, and he's really cool. He tries a lot and is super brave (I call him "the brave little toaster"). He was being an especially cute baby today, but alas I forgot my camera. You guys WILL see him, promise!
Speaking of which, riding him today, trainer asks me to put him into a canter. I had seen it on the longeline, and it's pretty big. But one does not realize the full extent of these things until you actually
ride it. His canter is freaking huge. Well, compared to Greta at least, with her little pony princess prance gaits.
Anyway, I digress... he did just fine cantering to the left, got big pats, because I got some pretty prompt responses out of him. Then going to the right, his iffy side, I also got some
very prompt responses (thought I was riding a finished schoolmaster for a minute, then the imbalance made me quickly realize I wasn't haha) BUT he kept picking up the left lead, bless him. After about the sixth or seventh try, we pick up the canter again in the corner and he picked up the left lead but then quickly swapped it to the right lead! And within two strides! What a dude!
And then I went to go pat him, surprised him, and he went back to a trot. Ooops.
But still, he got big pats and called it a day. Cuz what he did was really cool.
I also realize I really need to strengthen my legs because they were almost like jelly today, which probably didn't help him any when I was asking for a right lead canter.