Saturday, July 9, 2011

Artwork Commissions

College is around the corner, which means I need money, which means I have finally started picking up art commissions for all kinds of pieces, mostly horse portraits and such so far. So, I thought I'd take my little business to the WORLD WIDE WEB!

Some samples:

Sample of a digital painting

Sample of a pencil sketch, just basic lines, one layer of pencil coated with a fixative.

Just to show I CAN draw other subjects

Sample of the wildly popular vinyl sticker pet portraits. They look cute on the back windshield.

Another bumper sticker design

Samples of blog headers.

My current full portfolio is located here on deviantART.

Pricing (a/o 7/9/2011):

Pencil Sketch on 11x14 Bristol paper - ($25 for 1-3 subjects, 3 or more is case-by-case)

Color or Pencil Drawing on 11x14 Bristol paper - ($50 one subject; $80 two subjects; $10 extra for art markers on art maker paper, also 11x14; 3 or more subjects is case-by-case)

Vinyl/Bumper Sticker Digital Drawing - ($10, and does not include price charged by vinyl/bumper sticker printer, I have a person who I can help you get in touch with for printing!)

Basic B&W Digital or Color Digital (color digital means no shading or blending of multiple colors, just a design done in a solid color, i.e. logos) - ($20 with a picture reference; $50 without a picture reference; prints are free of charge up to 11x10; prints over 11x10 and usage of pictures are case-by-case)

All Other Artwork (over 11x14 or other medium) - ($20/hour plus charge of extra supplies if needed, i.e. canvas, scratchboard, digital painting, etc.)

Blog Headers - ($10, and it's completely free for you to use wherever!)

If you are interested, please email me at


  1. Gorgeous work! Love the window decals.

  2. Yeah, people really like the decals. I even made one of Greta for myself!

  3. You are really talented! I wish I was still some what creative! I seem to have lost it some where down the road.
    I am loving the decals. I may to commision you to create one of my Coneman!

  4. Bumper stickers are truly matchless quality stickers which are usually created by using the most elegant and graceful graphic design tools and techniques innovatively.

  5. These art works are looking fantastic. True talent...
    Nylon Halters


Comments are greatly appreciated and, most importantly, Greta loves you for commenting ♥

Thanks guys!