Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

Greta and I had out 2nd anniversary Thursday, and to put the cherry on top we had a freaking awesome lesson. Cantered down the long side of the arena in a continually cadenced canter. Super chill, really starting to look like a training level canter finally. A good hunter canter, really. She still needs to get the muscles to stretch her topline out even more so she can get that "on the bit" look but she steps under very well (doing so even more will stretch out that topline) and is certainly not inverted and tugging at the bit anymore. I'm also much lighter in the seat (starting to ease myself from a half-seat to a normal seat, as the half-seat was a training tool for both of us to keep me off her back). Her trot just gets better, as does her walk.

It was nice to see and feel this big turnaround from two years ago (even a few months ago, actually) where she would put her head up and invert her neck and really hang on the bit, and I would simply tug back. Baby steps are awesome. And you can see the difference. I will try and get some video of a lesson or ride this week, one of the two.

I feel so lucky to have a such a willing, sweet, and smart horse. Cliche, I know, but it's true! Ask the clinicians, the vets, the trainers, everyone who has met or worked with her! She has never pinned an ear at anyone, lifted a back foot at anyone, nor has not tried for anyone (even when I could tell she wasn't a fan of who was riding her or how they were riding her). She's no push-button pony, but she is awesome. I love the nicker I hear whenever I come near, or how she'll acknowledge me in the pasture (she might even feel I'm privileged enough to walk up to me, her subject, every now and then). It's a nice little buddy-buddy relationship we got going, and I wouldn't give it up for the world.

Here's to many more years!

So yay for a good second anniversary!


  1. first off:

    second: will the wrath of your jealously be in physical pain form??

    Third: get your butt to england with me!!

  2. Awww thanks!

    No it will be in the form most commonly preferred by the female variety: that is to say, I'm going to mess with your head. Physical stuff is for guys, and by far much more harmless and practical.

    Just kidding. I wouldn't know where to start.

    AND as much as I wish I could haul my glutes up to the land of the Brits, I A) doubt Miss Wanless would allow a total stranger to take part in whatever program she has going up there, especially considering I am not a rider who has really proven herself to be talented or of worth to train for 6 months haha (maybe soon though, I hope), B) I am not leaving Pretty Pony behind for 6 months because we got too much to learn and we're on a roll, and C) I GOTS TO GO TO COLLEGE IN 3 MONTHS! An appointment I certainly would not want to miss.

    As far as potential working student programs go (or as it will be said in England, "programmes") there is a wonderful facility in NY state called Outfoxed Farm that has a good working student program. If I am up to the idea of a NY winter and I am determined to really ride for a living, and the educational and financial atmosphere allows so, it would be a something for me to consider. There's also some good trainers here in the Austin/SA area that might be willing to give me a go, if I am extremely lucky. I will be going to Europe next summer, but it will be to visit friends for a month or two in Portugal, Germany, and France (of course one of them could be staying in London, so it's not to say I wouldn't be in England) but I don't think I will be going to Europe with the prospects of riding anytime soon. But, alas, futures are known to be uncertain!

    You could do me some good by getting lots of video and pictures and we will all be happy. Agreed?

    And say hi to Prince Harry and tell him I'm legal in both his country and mine, whichever he prefers ;)


Comments are greatly appreciated and, most importantly, Greta loves you for commenting ♥

Thanks guys!