Friday, April 8, 2011


I got to the barn as the ponies were being brought in to be fed, so I put this on Miss Greta, took pictures, and then see how she was being led around in it. Firstly, she was a lot more sensitive to it than a normal halter (she doesn't take much convincging now, anyway, so it was noticeable) so I will say I'm a believer now haha. I will get a nameplate soon :)

As you can see in the pictures, Greta decided she needed to sniff the camera first, to make sure it could capture her properly I suppose. I guess horses can sense those things. She also needed to put on that sultry, disinterested look like the professional models do. She's on her way, I'm telling ya!


Comments are greatly appreciated and, most importantly, Greta loves you for commenting ♥

Thanks guys!