Saturday, November 20, 2010

LOL! Greta and I? Jumping?!

1) this is only about my third or fourth time jumping on Greta, and I haven't had formal hunter lessons since like 5th grade (and I'm a senior haha!)

2) My stirrups are WAY too long and I'm in my dressage saddle (even though my stirrups felt really short b/c they're always so long!)

3) Yes, that was me that made the whooping noise the first time around

4) Yes, I'm wearing my school clothes of skinny jeans and converse sneakers and a baggy sweater (contrary to what I ALWAYS wear when riding bahaha) and it felt really awkward

5) I know needed to release and all that jazz, but c'mon now...

6) CONSTRUCTIVE crit appreciated



  1. I'm very impressed! Good for you. It looked good and Greta seems to be having fun.

  2. Thanks! Greta was certainly having fun!!

  3. Looks like you guys were having fun! If you address (2) and (5), y'all should be well on your way! Also, LMK if you want to borrow my Wintec AP - you CAN jump in a dressage saddle (ask me how I know), but it's so much easier when you're not fighting your tack to make things work.

  4. Really? Yeah, I suppose if I just shorten my stirrups by a mile, then it would work lol. I looked at some of the other videos and, even though Greta kept running out on the 2nd jump (haha!) I did do something of a release on the first one. It was pretty cool. Well, I guess if I can do two-point in a dressage saddle, then I can jump haha. If I get really into it though, and I am monetarily up to it lol, I'll start looking at jumping saddles (and I will def keep your offer in mind.....)


Comments are greatly appreciated and, most importantly, Greta loves you for commenting ♥

Thanks guys!