Sunday, November 14, 2010

[ "Comme ça: La vie c'est épatant" ] [ Like that: Life is amazing ]

Can you see our awesome beginner half halts??

It's late, and I've been doing this in between doing Goverment work (the class, not actual government work haha!)

But it does make me happy to see how well we're coming along. Alas, such slow manners are the ways of dressage.

Excerpts from the song's lyrics:

Tout doux, tout doux, tout doucement
Toujours, tout doux, tout doucement
Comme ça
La vie c'est épatant

N'allez jamais trop vite
Vous avez tout le temps
Attention à la dynamite
Prenez garde aux volcans
A ces jeunes énervés
Qui ne savent pas aller

Appropriately meaning:

Softly, softly, softly
Still, softly, softly
Like that:
Life is amazing

Never go too fast
You have all the time
Beware of dynamite
Beware of volcanoes
Take care [to keep away from] these excited young ones
Who do not know how to go

I don't really know French, just how to use Google Translate. I would like to learn la langue someday, though. It's fun to speak!


  1. Your Mom knows some French.....
    Beautiful poem in either language. Love the video. You sync so well with Greta, it is truly a thing of beauty, even for us western-riding rednecks!

  2. you look like a really soft rider, you both look great

  3. Haha, I'm often too soft. My reins magically go loose sometimes, especially the outside rein, that one just loves to wiggle away!


Comments are greatly appreciated and, most importantly, Greta loves you for commenting ♥

Thanks guys!