Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas funny

Enjoy this lovely gem from Stirling at Going For Gold. And VOTE for her HERE!

My name is Sterling Bishir and I'm a rider in Area 3. In the photo is my 11 year old Quarter Horse Rio, shown under the name At World's End. He is a fabulous boy that, as you can see, puts up with all the "fun" I throw at him! He got lots of pats and treats after this photo was taken. We are currently competing at the Novice level with hopes of moving up soon. We cannot wait to get back out on Cross Country in the spring, hopefully wearing a new Point Two air vest! We all know and love A Christmas Story... especially [the bunny suit] scene.


  1. AAAHHHH! I just came across this! Thank you sooo much! :)

    oh... and you spelled my name wrong... :)

  2. I did indeed spell your name wrong... "Stirling"?
    Don't know what I was doing there... sorry, Sterling haha!


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